Cruise Plan

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PI/Chief Scientist
Please tell us what you aim to accomplish on your FIO cruise (in 250 words or less). * = Potentially will be used in external communications
0 of 1500 max characters.
Undergraduate or Graduate course?
Is course required for degree program?
Select any/all uses of the research this mission will be used for


Grant Funding Source Type

Science Personnel

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload your science party’s roster, dietary preferences, and emergency contact info in Excel or Word. Copy the link below and paste it in a separate browser window for a pre-generated MSExcel Template:

Vessel & Equipment

Add-ons/Equipment Requested
Select any/all needed for cruise
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Coordinate Sets

Please input the latitude and longitude for every destination (station) of your research cruise
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.