Did you hear that the Keys Marine Laboratory (KML) recently hosted sixteen University of South Florida (USF) undergraduate students for the Department of Integrative Biology’s first-ever Scientific Diving course? During two weekends in early April, our crew assisted USF Professor Chantale Begin and USF Dive Safety Officer Ben Meister with this student-focused opportunity which was...Read More
NSF-Funded Seawater Well System Expansion at Keys Marine Laboratory The Keys Marine Laboratory (KML) , and our parent organization Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO), are proud to announce the progress on an NSF ICBR Grant awarded to KML in the Fall of 2019 to expand and improve the facility’s seawater systems. This infrastructure improvement project has...Read More
The Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO) announces the appointment of Quentin Lewis Jr. as its new marine superintendent. Hosted by USF, FIO is a statewide consortium that serves as the state of Florida’s hub of oceanographic research and coastal stewardship and as an education and research resource for schools across the State University System (SUS)....Read More
His expertise in jellyfish is so renowned, Monty Graham, director of the Florida Institute of Oceanography and professor of integrative biology at USF, has a new species of jellyfish bearing his name. Aurelia montyi is one of 28 Aurelia species, also known as “moon jellies,” because their pale bell resembles a full moon. Native to...Read More
FIO Vessels in Bayboro Harbor FIO COVID-19 Policies & Announcements FIO Resumed Operations Protocols Updated 9/15/2021 The FIO research fleet resumed seagoing operations after Labor Day following a Health and Safety Stand-Down that began in late August. FIO and USF’s COVID Taskforce have worked closely with medical experts at USF Health to ensure that FIO...Read More
FIU Students prepare to embard on the R/V Hogarth Florida International University’s (FIU) 2021 Oceanography-at-Sea course (OCB4005C) was launched in 2013 and is aimed at providing undergraduate students an immersive, hands-on experience developing and executing a research project at sea. In early March, following strict COVID safety guidelines, Associate Professor and Assistant Director of Coastlines...Read More
In its 8th year (would be 9th if 2020’s course wasn’t canceled due to COVID-19), the multi-institutional, 5-week summer course hosted by FIO had fifteen undergraduate students enrolled from the Florida SUS system. The course is focused on field study techniques in a variety of marine habitats. Starting in May in Jacksonville, the class is worth...Read More
R/V Hogarth in the Dry Tortugas. Earlier this Summer, the R/V Hogarth departed from Bayboro Harbor for Key West on a two-week long FIO State University System (SUS) Sponsored educational cruise with Professor Stephen Wood and Ocean Engineering students from the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT). Dr. Wood was focused on teaching data collection at...Read More
Hello Friends of KML, We have some exciting news! The Keys Marine Lab has transitioned into our Phase Two Reopening! This increases KML’s capacity to 50% and allows us to host small educational groups of up to 10 people. Additionally, Phase Two adds a COVID-19 Illness Incident Contingency Plan section to the pre-arrival Health Status...Read More
Greetings Friends of KML, KML PHASE 1 Reopening: We are happy to announce that the Keys Marine Lab reopened July 10 under our Phase 1 Plan! We would like to take this opportunity to welcome small research groups back to KML as well as highlight the ongoing protective and preventive measures we have put into place...Read More