FIO COVID-19 Policies & Announcements
FIO Resumed Operations Protocols
Updated 9/15/2021
The FIO research fleet resumed seagoing operations after Labor Day following a Health and Safety Stand-Down that began in late August. FIO and USF’s COVID Taskforce have worked closely with medical experts at USF Health to ensure that FIO integrates and adapts new guidance from the CDC and USF.
FIO COVID Operations Actions and Expectations (PDF)
FIO’s Phased Re-opening Announcement
FIO is committed to providing our staff and members of the science party with a safe and healthy environment. While no measures can be 100% effective, FIO and USF have worked with medical experts within USF and external partners to integrate and adapt guidance from the CDC, UNOLSs, the American Bureau of Shipping, and numerous other organizations and research vessel operators into a plan to mitigate COVID-19 risk at all FIO facilities. The guidelines provided will, with your cooperation and participation, greatly enhance our ability to complete critical research and student instructional activities safely.
USF Re-Opening Plan
FIO is following USF’s general COVID-19 guidelines and recommendations. The University of South Florida is FIO’s Host Institution.
Additional Resources
FIO’s COVID-19 Operation FAQ’s (PDF)
FIO Operational Guidelines During the Coronavirus Alert (PDF)